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Shenzhen Asenware Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.
Proveedor de marca propia
{0} años
Guangdong, China
Productos principales:Sistema de alarma contra incendios, sistema de extinción de incendios, luz de emergencia, Dirección de evacuación
N.° de clasificación9 _i18n_mod_start_`shopmodule.shopsign.rankgoldfactory_i18n_mod_end_ en Artículos para extinción de incendiosPatents awarded (5)Cooperated suppliers (72)Years in industry(18)Total floorspace (9,620㎡)
ASENWARE is the fire alarm system and fire suppression system manufacturer and whole fire safety solution provilder since 2005.
Driven by a commitment to sound operations, ongoing innovation, and open collaboration, we have established a competitive fire safety products line including addressable fire alarm system, conventional fire alarm system, central monitoring emergency light system, fire telephone and voice evacuation system, fire pump, fire hose and gas suppression system.